Multifocal contact lenses 49%
Executive Bifocal 45%
Progressive glasses 29%
Ortho K Contact lens 43%
Atropine Eye Drops 59% (not permitted in the UK for myopia control)
Executive Bifocal glasses are quite unsightly and not practical for children who lead an active life. Ortho K Contact lenses are worn overnight and carry some risk such as corneal infections, glare, corneal abrasion and visual distortion. Multifocal Contact lenses are well tolerated by children and younger children are actually more compliant than teenagers. The incidence of infection in children wearing 1Day Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses under 9 yrs is very low and this is our preferred way to help reduce the progress of myopia.
However the wearing of these lenses alone does not guarantee a reduction in the rate of myopic progression. It’s important that the wearer has “efficient visual skills” when engaging in reading and general near work. These Binocular Vision Skills will be checked at the initial evaluation and at each progress review. These will be at either 3 or 6 months intervals depending on each case.
The initial examination and annual reviews only will be supported by the NHS.